You should be vibrant & resilient
Your body is designed to feel fantastic.
Your wellbeing may have been knocked off balance by stress or overwork, injuries or illness, trauma or life experiences, or inbuilt constitutional challenges.
Acupuncture aims to bring you back to balance.
And Chinese medicine is concerned with your ben as well as your biao, the roots as well as the symptoms of your current state of health.
Five Elements & TCM
Jessica will diagnose and treat you using the frameworks of both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which looks at how you are, and Five Element Acupuncture, which looks more at who you are, from a constitutional perspective.
Jessica’s latest articles
Is Chinese bloodletting the same as conventional bloodletting?
I get enquiries, from time to time, about whether Chinese medicinal bleeding can be used to remove significant volumes of blood, in a similar way to conventional bloodletting. Whaaaat? I hear you say. Yes, conventional medicine does still include bloodletting. It’s known as therapeutic phlebotomy. Phlebotomy is when you have a blood sample taken to…
Acupuncture for fatty liver (NAFLD)
Fatty liver disease is unfortunately becoming a widespread problem. It may be ‘silent’, with no obvious signs, or common symptoms can range from fatigue and malaise (feeling ill) to itching to feelings of pressure or discomfort in your liver area (under your right ribcage). In some cases nonalcoholic liver disease can progress to other forms…
Acupuncture for post-stroke depression
The short term impacts of having a stroke are well known, but it can be less well recognised that as your experience of a stroke unfolds, depression and anxiety can set in. Around a third of people who experience a stroke will need treatment for depression. Family members too, may go through difficult times emotionally…