About Jessica

Jessica looks forward to meeting you, and finding out how she can help you.  You will enjoy the reassurance of her supportive approach and years of practice.

She loves practising the intricate discipline of Chinese Medicine, and helping people thrive.

She has the benefit of two styles of acupuncture at her fingertips – Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element acupuncture, and she will harness both of these to support your diagnosis and treatment.


Jessica started out as a patient too!  Many moons ago, as a stressed-out young chartered accountant, she went to see a long-established acupuncturist in London, and she noticed that she soon became a lot more resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

How do those needles do that?  She thought.  And off she went, to find out…

Qualifications & memberships

Visiting Jessica, you will have the reassurance of receiving treatment from a well qualified and experienced practitioner, fully trained in traditional acupuncture.

BAcC logoShe obtained her Licentiate in Acupuncture in 2005 after three years study at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in the UK. She is a member of the British Acupuncture Council.

She moved to Perth in 2017 and is registered with AHPRA (you can see her registration listing here), and a member of AACMA (you can search for her here).