Make an appointment for acupuncture in Leederville within the next few weeks, and receive half price treatment!
After years of experience in the UK I am finally registered to practice in Australia, and I am completing some required supervised practice.
To help me complete this, you can currently book in at half price.
Where & when?
Wednesdays, until 13 November 2019.
At Leederville Chiropractic Clinic, 614 Newcastle St, Leederville WA 6007.
How much?
Your first appointment will be 60-90 mins, to give time for a detailed discussion of your health as well as your first treatment. After I finish my supervised practice the cost will be $120, but currently it’s $60.
Ongoing treatments are 45 minutes and will be $80, but currently $40.
It’s a total bargain! Acupuncture is wonderful, and you can receive the help you need from a qualified and experienced practitioner, at a fraction of the normal price.
Just get in touch to book your first appointment.