Make an appointment for acupuncture in Noranda, and receive your first treatment at half price treatment!
After years of experience in the UK I am finally registered to practice in Australia, and you can now book in to see me at the Noranda Chiropractic Centre, working with the fantastic team there.
For my first month in Noranda, to help get my practice off to a lively start, you can book in to see me at half price for your first treatment.
Where & when?
Until 16 December 2019.
At Noranda Chiropractic Centre, 6/36 Benara Rd, Noranda WA 6062 , on Mondays.
How much?
Your first appointment will be 60-90 mins, to give time for a detailed discussion of your health as well as your first treatment. From mid-December the cost will be $120, but currently it’s $60.
Ongoing treatments are 45 minutes and $80.
It’s a total bargain! Acupuncture is wonderful, and you can receive the help you need from a qualified and experienced practitioner, at a fraction of the normal price.
Just get in touch to book your first appointment.